Business-breakfast "Organization of private flights" Presentation, 201509 June 2015
Champagne Degustation with Gallerie Lafayette and Intercontinental Hotels, France Gourmet Event, 201528 May 2015
Argentina Presentation, 201529 April 2015
Evening of The Good Taste Argentinean Cuisine Gourmet Event, 201528 April 2015
Switzerland Workshop, 201510 April 2015
Italia Turistica Workshop, 201501 April 2015
Greece Deluxe Presentation, 201525 February 2015
Shangri-la hotels and Turkish Airlines Presentation, 201517 February 2015
Lithuania: tourist potential and new facilities Workshop, 201527 January 2015
Evening of the Good Taste Latvian Cuisine Gourmet Event, 201411 September 2014